Monday, August 8, 2011

Really Though?

I think I have hit rock-bottom.

Tonight I had a conversation with a friend's in-law who happens to be "30-something" (note, 40-something in actuality) and unmarried.

I too am unmarried. So, when another unmarried person (female person at that) is in the 500 mile radius, it seems said spinster is lumped into the same boat as me because that's what life is like in small towns This happens regardless of the other person's age or creed or...brains. All singles are lumped together. Anyways, the single gal's commiseration ensues.

It must be noted that this lady is no ordinary person. She's been single her whole life and was looked after by her father until he died and, well...anyways I suppose I should not be such a heartless bitch. But, when someone starts off the conversation with "Never got married, eh?"you kinda know it's both going to be a hellish conversation and that you want to gauge that person's eyes out with a wooden spoon.

So, I'm trying to tolerate the conversation as long as possible but it's difficult because she jumps from talking about her bad back (she's 40, not 80) to the gawd awful heat (it's been cold and rainy here...quite like England) to her obese cat who suffers from diabetes and requires two needles a day. Really? A catch like you can't nab a man? The world just ain't right.

And then, she refers to, "us single girls, eh?"

Holy old Christ. Really? I mean I know I am single and it's an enigma to those from my lovely small town because they are convinced I am either secretly sleeping with every married man in the village or that I am a really slutty acting, seemingly straight lesbian, but am I really the same calibre as the woman with the diabetic cat who speaks incessantly about men and dating and husbands and children and all the gore that goes with it??

I've been here too long. I need to leave.

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